©2022 Donald R. Snow -- This page last updated 2022-02-07

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ABSTRACT:  HeritageQuest Online (HQO) is a website that you use use with your public library card bar code.  It has many family history resources and you can use it at home
or at Family History Centers for free.  This class is Part 5 of a series and deals with their maps and miscellaneous records.  Other classes in this series have dealt with family history books, U.S. Revolutionary War records, and U.S. and Canada censuses, death records, and the Social Security Death Index.  The notes for the class, with active links and related articles, are posted on my website  http://uvtagg.org/classes/dons/dons-classes.html .


  1. Instructor is Donald R. Snow ( snowd@math.byu.edu ) of Provo and St. George, Utah.
  2. The notes for this class with active URLs, as well as additional information in other notes and articles, are posted at http://uvtagg.org/classes/dons/dons-classes.html .
  3. Tips:  (1)  To put an icon on your desktop for these notes, or any webpage, just drag the icon from in front of the address in your browser onto your desktop.  (2)  To open a link, but keep your place in these notes, hold down the Control key while clicking the link.
  4. The problem for today:  What maps does HQO have and what other miscellaneous records?

  6. HeritageQuest Online is a website that libraries can subscribe to for their patrons to use at home through their public library card bar codes. 
  7. The notes for Part 1 of this series on my website (link above) have links for Utah state-wide public library card holders to use HQO  https://onlinelibrary.utah.gov/heritagequest-online/ . This site now uses OpenAthens to store your library card bar code and password to get you in.
  8. HQO is also available in Family History Centers via the Portal.

  10. Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Census
    1. Interactive maps of the U.S. showing each state and giving the county boundary changes over the years for the U.S. Federal Census
    2. Get to it from the Search button (upper left corner) > Scroll down to Search Maps and Photos > Map guide to the U.S. Federal Census
    3. Click on a state and you see the years on the left when any county boundsries of the state were changed - click on the year and you see the map of the counties at that time
    4. It appears to me that these are from Dollarhide's The Census Book, most of which is online on HQOm, if you know where to look for it on the Getting Started pages.
  11. Enumeration Districts for the U.S. 1940 Federal Census; will probably be similar to the Enumeration Districts for the 1950 U.S. Census being released in 2 months
  12. U.S., Indexed County Land Ownership Maps, 1860-1918 -- searchable by name and location; sows who owned the land; not complete
  13. U.S., Indexed Early Land Ownership and Township Plats, 1785-1898 -- searchalbe by name and location - includes some land grants for military service

  15. Freedman Bank records -- bank accounts of emancipated African slaves; includes much family history to identify them; these have been indexed
  16. U.S. Serial Records, e.g. U.S. Government publications of all kinds; a few university libraries are repositories of such records (including the  BYU Library) and electronic copies are posted on HQO; worth looking at since they contain records of government helps to individuals
  17. Many miscellaneous vital records from many states in the U.S. and many foreign countries
  18. Library of Congress Photo Collection -- various categories of photos; all searchable
  19. HQO used to contain PERSI (Periodical Source Index) but doesn't now; this is  an index to articles in 1000s of genealogy journals

  21. HQO is free with your public library card bar code and at FHCs and has many helpful databases.
  22. This class has dealt with the HQO maps and some miscellaneous records.  These are not complete databases, but you never know what you might find, so it's worth considering.
  23. Additional databases on HQO could be discussed, so keep it in mind.