Don's Freeware Corner articles are printed in the UTAH VALLEY TECHNOLOGY AND GENEALOGY GROUP (UVTAGG) Newsletter TAGGology each month and are posted on his Class Notes Page where there may be corrections and updates.


©2020 Donald R. Snow - Last updated 2020-09-09.


A "cheat sheet" is the nickname for a page of information about a topic.  The name comes from colleges and universities where some professors allow students, when taking tests, to use a single sheet of paper with whatever they could write on it.  Students would ingeniously write very small and include formulas, lists of items, meaning of terms, ideas, etc.  Companies started printing such reference pages and selling them in college bookstore and they came to be called cheat sheets.  Now, you can find them online, both free and commercial.  For computers and technical programs these are helpful, since there are so many commands you need to remember for different programs and just for the operating system such as Windows.  I've found it helpful to keep cheat sheets near my computer for for large programs that I use regularly.  They help for remembering keyboard short cuts, how to do various tasks, etc.  I also find that there are lots of things I don't know about programs that are on cheat sheets for them.  This Freeware Corner article is about a company that has free and commercial versions of helpful cheat sheets.


Google searches will find many good cheat sheets for whatever program or computer topic you want.  A website that has many free and helpful cheat sheets is The CustomGuide with URL The free cheat sheets that I have looked at are all two pages with a third page listing others and ads for the company.  They have many free cheat sheets.  Here are a few of them.  

Access Basic and Intermediate - versions for various years
Excel Basic,  Intermediate, and Advanced - versions for various years
Google Classroom for Teachers, Google Classroom for Students
Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Meet, Google Slides, Google Sheets
Outlook Basic and Intermediate - versions for various years
PowerPoint Basic and Internediate - versions for various years
Skype for Business
Windows 10
Word Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced - versions for various years

At the the bottom of the webpage are links to programs such as Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Windows 10 that, when clicked, syou see the sheets and lessons for that program.  The company calls these Quick References and offers training in all these programs, both free and commercial training.   For many of us in family history, we don't need the advanced information, so the free cheat sheets and lessons are sufficient.  


Each of their cheat sheets seems to have 3 pages, the first two are about the program and the third is ads for the Company and how to find information about other programs  The commercial versions allow you to put your own logo on the cheat sheets for your own company.  The sheets have the most important information and images and text describing how to work with that program. On the first page to the right is a box listing the keyboard shortcuts.  The text also contains ideas about how to use the program. 

The Windows 10 sheet and lessons have lots of basics that are helpful .  Another helpful one is Zoom since there are so many presentations and classes on Zoom, including for our own UVTAGG. Below are screenshots of the top parts of those two cheat sheets. SCREENSHOT OF TOP OF WINDOWS 10 CUSTOMGUIDE CHEAT SHEET

Even if you have used a program, you will probably find information here to help you that you didn't know.  I haven't been through any of their lessons (many free), but the subjects they deal with look like I could learn lots about the programs I already use.  The downloads are color pdfs so they show up exactly the same on all computers.  The one problem I have with them is that I would like to print them in black-and-white and darker, so I can read them more easily.  I can print them in B/W, but not very dark.  Since they are pdfs, they are just pictures  of the page, so there must be a simple way to make  them darker.  I'll keep you posted.  If you don't have poor eyesight, that won't be a problem for you. 


There are many free cheat sheets on the internet and this company, which does training, has some good ones.  Most of the basic and intermediate ones are free, along with free instructional lessons.  For most of us in family history, the basic and intermediate cheat sheets and lessons are probably all we need, but, of course, the company hopes we will like the free stuff enough to want to pay for the commercial stuff.  Take a look at their website and you might find some helpful items.