

                                   Salt Lake City  June 10 th 75 [Salt Lake City, Utah Thursday 10 Jun 1875]

My Dear Wife & children

I begin to feel anxious to start home.   I want to see you all very much.   I hope you are all well and enjoying peace and plenty.   I expect however you are rather short for comforts but probably no more so than we are here.   You know how it was last year and it is no better this.    The public Hands are all discharged for want of means to pay them.   Willard [Willard Snow ?] is consequently now out of work and hundreds of others.   Prest. B.Y. [President Brigham Young] George Q. [George Q. Cannon] and a few others went To Logan last Saturday [5 Jun 1875] and Minerva [Minera White Snow] & I [Erastus Snow] went with them and took Willard [Willard Snow], Susan [Susan Snow] and Moroni [Moroni Snow].   Had a pleasant visit.   called on Bro. Bensons [Ezra Taft Benson] folks and on Jacobs cousin Reubin Gates [Reuben Gates] and others in church & Father Thatchers.   though we slept at Bish Prestons [Bishop Preston] and Willard [Willard Snow] & Susan [Susan Snow] at Nattie Blairs. our young folks returned a day in advance of us, stopping at Ogden [Ogden, Utah] to visit their cousins and attend a county Sunday school Jubilee [County Sunday School Jubilee].   You have doubtless learned of the death of Abigail Keslers oldest daughter in April.   She has since moved with her remaining children to Centreville [Centerville, Utah] where she has got her a house and Two lots with fruit etc.   Susan Stringham and her family are all well, no change except that Phillie & Carrie have returned and she is with her mother, helping to care for her little brother who has a broken leg, and Phillie has got a birth [berth] handling freight at the U.C. R.R. [Union Pacific Rail Road ?] Depot.

Louisas Tripp [trip] is about starting East to a Law School.   Prest. [President] George A. Smith is now considered out of immediate danger though recovering slowly.   President [Brigham Young] begins to talk about starting south and it looks as though he might get started sometime during this month.   We shall probbably [probably] go the same route that you & I took last August - via Sanpete, Severe [Sevier], Panquitch, Long Valley and Kanab.   I expect to make a Tour of Toelee [Tooele] County before starting home - Want you all to write here as usual and if letters come after we leave Noni will get them.

Sister Mary Musser has been quite poorly of late and last night was in great distress from a disease that has troubled her at times for years - supposed to be gual [gall] stones in the Liver and gual ducks [gall ducts].   She is now easy under the influence of Morphine administered by Bro. Ivins.   Marys family including Anne & Milton and boarders have this old place all to themselves.   Belinda has moved to eleventh Ward [11th Ward] and Annie Leg on to the Toelee [Tooele] farm.  I dined yesterday with George Q. [George Q. Cannon] & B.Y. [Brigham Young] in Margaret Pierce Youngs rooms.   Her son Morris & wife live with her.   He married Lorenzo Snows [Lorenzo Snow] daughter the one whose room we occupied at Brigham City [Brigham City, Utah] last summer.   Today we go to Bro. Dwyers and tomorrow over to Toelee [Tooele]   I learn from Bro. Chrosheron that he looks for Augusta soon.   I suppose you received all right the Bundles sent by her for you and others.   Though you did not mention them in your letter, which by the way was very welcome and came before we started to Logan.   I hope you will get Franklin [Franklin Richards Snow] to lend you a hand to fill up and fix for turning water into your cistern so you can get the benefit of it during hot weather.   If you can’t busy your girls at home send them to Hebron or Pinto to Teach School where they will get paid and have cool weather.   God bless you and all of them.   Keep the little ones learning all you can.   Kiss all the babies for me, and I will pay it back to you when I come.

Erastus Snow.