

In Camp with O. Pratt [Orson Pratt] & R. S. Eldridge. Platt [Platte] River 725 miles from Salt Lake City (4)August 6th 1854.

To my beloved Artimesia [Artimesia Beman (Snow) 1819-1882]and through you to all my family whom I greatly love and whom I have left for Christs [Christ's] sake. May health, Peace & Joy in the Holy Spirit abide with you all in the name of Jesus Amen. I missed the July mail and have consequently had no opportunity to write you since I left Green River. Our Journey since that time has been prosperous and pleasant, with the exception of musquitoes [mosquitos] which have been so exceedingly anoying [annoying] since we struck the Platte Bottoms that both ourselves and animals have been well nigh devoured. We have thus far guarded our animals carefully, but have scarcely seen an Indian on our Journey. Tis [It is] four weeks yesterday since I left home and I expect to be about 2 weeks longer on the Plains. I feel somewhat rested, refreshed and my general health improved of late, and my system being cleaned from the billious [bilious] matter and other symptoms of disease that I felt preying upon me when I left home, and I do most sincerely hope that you are all likewise improved in health. Your delicate situation as also Elisabeth old complaints and her babes cough, have all been objects of my solicitude and prayers, and I trust that this months mail will bring me letters from you saying that all is well.

The first of our emigration that we met on our way was Bro. Peregree [Perrigrine] Sessions and sister Lyon and company, but within the last 100 miles we have met five large companies of saints -- all in general health and geting [getting] along well. 2 nights ago I was with the Danish saints. They were moving on well but will be short of flour and must go without bread unless relieved from the valley before they reach there. Sister Beckstroms [Beckstrom's] husband was well, Carl's father and sister were well but his mother not so well, but nothing very serious. Hans [Hans'] brother accompanied me back to this camp to go with Elder [Orson] Pratts company as they were a little short of help in consequence of loosing [losing] nearly 1/3 of all the company by Cholera, which however has now subsided and all are well. The Cholera has scourged the towns on the western waters and the emigration in the vicinity of the Missouri and the Pawnees have stolen much property and killed several of the Gentile emigrations in the early part of the season but they have not trobeld [troubled] our people. You have probably learned by last mail the melancholly [melancholy] news of the death by cholera of Bro. Buckland and Jesse Turpin. The latter had coaxed back his old wife and children (including 2 children she accidently [accidentally] caught since she ran away from him) which are now on the road over the plains. I sincerly [sincelely] sympathyse [sympathize] with his family who are in the valley and with Bro. Buckland's family, surely it will be a hard stroke upon them. Bucklands sister and husband are in this company. Bro. Piercy Olsen capt [Captain] of Danish camp has Bro. Willards [Willard Snow's ] [motrt ?] and other things for Molina. The Gentile emigration and stock that we have met has been immense, and the Merchandize [merchandise] bound for the valley seems more than all that has gone there for the last five years. I trust the saints there, will be able this year to find a little sugar and other things in the stores as late as next March and as cheap as a dollar a pound. We reached this camp last night and expect to leave tomorrow. Yesterday morning at 3 oclock [o'clock] the cattle took fright and ran away from the gaurd [guard] and took of [off] into the hills and about 60 yok [yoke] have not yet been found. The horsemen have now been on the chase after them one night and 2 days but have not yet returned. Bro. Kesler is here and expects to take the mail when it passes and by him I expect to send this. Write me about the stock, the Barn, The Farm etc. and whattere [what ever] you can think off [of] all of you. Yours truly E. Snow