
Elizabeth Snow [Elizabeth Rebecca Ashby Snow]

July 27 1879 Sunday [27 Jul 1879]

Dear Mother [Elizabeth Rebecca Ashby Snow]

I am here and well I got into GlenDale [Glendale, Utah] on Friday [11 Jul 1879] and didn’t get up here till [until] Sunday [13 Jul 1879] I am not a bit homesick and I have been here too [two] weeks today I should have writen [written] before but we are expecting the folks over from the lake and I thought if I went with them that I would get home before the letter we went over to the upper mall to a picknick [picnic] and party night on the twenty 24 [24th of Jul Thursday 24 Jul 1879]. We had a splendid time and didn’t get home till very near daylight. Lots of people from Johnson were there We put up a bowery on purpose to have the dance in. We are going to have another when the folks come over from the lake they are going to have it in the bowery. I just thought I would write a note and send in Mary’s letter we are going to go to Robinsons this morning so I have no more time to write so goodby [goodbye] from your daughter Martha [Martha Ellen Snow]