
G. S. L. City 25th Jan 1868 [Great Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday 25 Jan 1868]

My Dear Elisabeth [Elizabeth] I left home [in St. George] overwhelmed with a Pressure of thought case and mental labour [labor] that allmost [almost] unfitted me for social enjoyments and domestic duties. I felt that burden begin to lighten up after passing Washington and thereafter I began to rest and recruit and I believe I Am heavier than I have ever before been. Minerva also Is much rested and improved in health We met George & Mary at or near Severe [Sevier] Bridge. They are doubtless in St. George by this. I wish you had room enough to accommodate Mary and her children while George is gone to California.

Tell Nathaniel that I was negotiating with Henry Lawrence when I learned by telegraph of the swapp [swap] with Angus Cannon.

I called on Harriet when I first came up found her large but in very good health. Briant [Bryant] and Martha & Louisa [have] gone to the Theatre theater]. Susan was in usual health as all Briants [Bryant's] children who mostly are attending school as is also Jonny [Johnny ?]. I have since seen Briant [Bryant] & Martha. Healthy good baby fat and good natured though I assurd [assured] Martha that yours could beat hers in good temper.

I think I could enjoy a short visit with you and your little flock about this time if I could drop in without any body [anybody] seeing me. But when I think of the hordes of Indians and white men that oppressed me with their continual teasing while in St George [St. George, Utah] last, I instinctively shudder at the thought of returning like a sore back horse at the sight of the saddle. I Pray my Heavenly Father to lighten my Burdens or add strength for me to bear them else my days will be short in St. George.

I hope you will invite mother Stringam [Stringham] to visit with you and Artimesia. I Presume you will take comfort in visiting with your sisters & Brothers this winter and your children with theirs. I hope the children are learning well and healthy. Does Florence have her poor spells? I am anxious to hear from you. Would like the girls to write to me that I may see how they are improving.

Let me know what kind of a dress to get for you.

I trust your gravy may not be altogether lost.

I must close for Bro. Noble waits to take us to his house to spend the sabbath so good bye [goodbye] my Dear and God bless you and your little ones and kiss them all for me.

effectionately [affectionately] yours

Erastus Snow