
September 9 Monday Evening [Monday 9 Sep 1850]

Dear Erastus [Elder Erastus Snow 1818-1888]

I seat myself this evening when all is peace and quiet to address a few lines to one who is ever present to my mind and who is near and dear to me Oh how much happier I should be if I could be talking to you instead of writing but still I must not wish you back until you have finished the work the Lord has appointed you to do but I cannot help thinking how much good it would do me to have you to speak to and to comfort me when I am sad and lonely but I must not complain for I know the Lord has blessed me in your absence I realize when I contemplate your situation far away from friends and home a stranger in a strange land you too must be very lonely and my prayer to god is that you may have his spirit to comfort and console you and to buoy you up under all the trying scenes you may be called upon to pass through perhaps you would like to know how I have employed my time since you left I will tell you I went out sewing the most of last winter for two dollars a week I have been making straw hats to sell to the emigrants this summer I am now living with Bryant and Susan and expect to live here all winter how much longer i do not know i now take in sewing so you see i have not many moments to be idle Bryant and Susan send their respects to you Susan’s health is very poor Mother [Susan Hammond Ashby] is well she also wishes to be remembered to you I attended conference [Salt Lake City Stake Conference ?] yesterday we had much good instructions I must tell you a little about the twenty fourth of July Wednesday 24 Jul 1850]. We had a pleasant time I did not enjoy myself as well as one year ago it was about the same as last year except there being no feast each one took dinner at home the twenty four ladies dined at Dr Richards [Willard Richards] new house I was chosen one of the number in the evening I went to the concert do not be afraid of my forming new acquaintances for I cannot find time to visit the old ones but I will endeavor to abide by your council [counsel] in all things I will now draw to a close after bidding you good night for it is very late and retire to rest after praying the lord to watch over me through the silent watches of the night and I will not forget to pray for you that you may be kept and preserved from all evil and danger and be returned unto me in safety when your work is accomplished remember me always in your prayers that I may be kept from temptation and from the snares of the evil one do write as often as you can it does me so much good to hear from you I must now bid you another good night this is from your ever affectionate

Elizabeth =. [Elizabeth Rebecca Ashby Snow, b. 1831]