PAF II -- Class 3:
©Copyright 2006 by Donald
R. Snow
Sections of the Class Notes
Return to Don's
Listings page or to the home page of Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group . This page was last
updated 28 Nov 2006.
- Instructors
are Donald R. and Diane M. Snow, 801-225-7123 in Provo, Utah
and 435-673-1932 in St. George, Utah (,
- These notes with
active Internet links are posted on the
Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group website
under Class Outlines, Don's Listings.
- Difference
between notes and sources -- Important to document your family
history -- easiest to do it
you enter the data -- Any questions?
- Many reports and forms are "built-in" in PAF 5.2
-- see Print
Menu and tabs
- Titles of the tabs are types of
reports available -- clicking
on tab shows picture at lower right of type of report
HELP: Put cursor on item and right click
to see a description of it -- true anywhere in PAF
- Change fonts for reports and report titles by clicking on
Fonts at right side of Print Menu -- this only changes font for that
report, not for all reports
- To change
fonts for all reports go to
- Blank
forms -- PAF will print some blank forms, e.g. pedigree
charts, family group sheets
- Many
blank forms are in pdf format (portable data file) on
the PAF 5.2 CD from the LDS Distribution Centers
- Lists -- many different kinds,
different options
- Calendars -- can print a blank
calendar for any month from 100 -
2100 AD
- Can include birthdays and/or
anniversaries to get a calendar
for any group selected, e.g. your descendants
- Narrative books – can generate a written book from your PAF
- Ancestors (ahnentafel) charts -- a form
of "compressed"
pedigree charts -- father's number is twice that of child, mother's is
twice that of child plus one
- Descendants charts
-- Modified Register format is based on
the New England Historic Genealogical Society Register format
- Edit Event wording for narrative reports by Edit/Individual
Event List, highlight an Event, and click Edit -- can change wording
for each way it is used
- PAF 5.2 has
two narrative book styles in Print/Books menu
Companion (current version is 5.2) has additional
reports, views, and searches not in PAF
- Can
download Evaluation Copy from
- Buy full
version at LDS Church Distribution Centers
(1-(800)-537-5971) or on
for $8.25 now
- Has many additional charts and can
customize others
- Can print charts in pdf
(portable document file) format --
very helpful since these can be shown on screen, printed, emailed, etc.
- Examples -- fan charts,
bow-tie charts, hourglass reports,
kinship reports, Pedigree Resource File reports
- Two parts to make a custom report: (1)
Select individuals
to include, and (2) Set up the report format of data to include from
the selected records
- Be sure your
database is uniform and accurate or you won't get
all the records you think you are getting
- Part
(1) -- RECORDS
- Get to Filter
Selection screen in several ways, e.g. click on
Print/Custom/Select or Search/Advanced
- Can right
click on any word or item to get a description of
what it does
- Two types of filters for selecting
records -- (a)
Relationship Filter, and (b) Field (data) Filter
-- lower left side of screen
- Options to select
All, All
Ancestral Related, Individual, All Descendants, etc.
- See good explanation of these on the interactive
graphic in PAF 5, Lessons 7, Screen 3
- To
get x generations of direct line ancestors and y
generations down from each, use Ancestors (not All Ancestral Related),
since then you can set how many generations you want to go back
(ggg...grandparents) and how many generations you want to go down
(cousins) from each of those direct line ancestors
- Click
on Select -- this now selects out the relationship
group of people
- (b) FIELD
FILTER -- lower
right side of screen -- further filter from those selected by
- Can now set up field filter, e.g.
all people born out of
USA and dying in USA (would give most of the immigrants in your
database); or records containing the event "Census"; or all born in
England between 1700 and 1800, but not born in London; or all qualified
for baptism, endowment, or sealing to parents
- Can save
the filter to use again on that machine (It
doesn't transfer nor restore with the database.)
-- does not save the resulting list, only the filter itself so when you
retrieve and run the filter later it will select
from the records that are in the database at that time
- Click OK to form the selection -- you see the
mark (French
quotation mark) » by each name selected
- Toggle "Show Results Only" to show list of only those
or everyone in database with marks by those selected
- Filtered
list stays in the computer, until you rebuilt it or
exit from the program, so you can use it later in another custom report
or in a GEDCOM
- On Custom Reports screen (Print/Custom) give the
report a
title, e.g. Immigrants, or BEP Ordinances Needed,
and this will print on report
- Select the fields
you want in the report and the order you want
them in
- Click on Sort
Order and select the field you want the records
sorted by, e.g. alphabetical by
name, chronological, or by RIN
- Click
on Page Setup to set margins and/or print the report
sideways (landscape vs portrait)
- Click Preview to
see if it has everything the way you want it
- Click
Print to print it to hard copy, or click Save to File
/Print to save it as a text file (.rtf = rich text file) which is
readable on all word processors
- Can Save the
report format if you might want to use it again
later (with Open) on that machine (It doesn't transfer nor
restore with the database.)
- Lots of helpful
Custom Report formats you can set up, e.g.
Qualified for BEP, Qualified for SS, Records with a TO_DO tag in the
note, temple code checks (see the notes for Cleaning Up Your Database)
- Web page report -- another way to view
your data -- useful even
without posting it to Internet
- Click on
Tools/Preferences/Folders to set the folder of where you
want to store web pages created
- Click on web icon
(top right of tool bar icons)
- Decide ancestors or
descendants, how many generations, whether to
have notes imbedded or linked
-- other options such as background to use
- If
going to post on Internet, DO NOT include any data on living
people, especially their names -- identity theft is a major problem
- When web page is generated, it will ask Do You Want to View
With Your Browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape) -- click yes and you
will see exactly what it would look like if it were posted on the
- Very helpful to see a list of surnames
and all people with that
surname and to see problems with
notes and/or sources
- For
this purpose include all info on "Livings" and don't
suppress RIN's and MRIN's -- but don't post this to the Internet if it
has any info on "livings"
- You can go back and
forth between your browser and PAF and make
corrections in PAF, then regenerate the web page periodically
- All the power of your browser is
there, e.g. Back, Forward, Reload/Refresh, clicking on underlined
links, etc.
- Sources show up as (underlined)
linked superscripts and can
click on them to see source
- HELPFUL NOTE: Hold down Alt key to see
letters underlined
in menus -- means that "Alt-(Letter)" will do the same as clicking on
that item with mouse, so you don't have to take your hands off the
keyboard -- will illustrate this below
- Click on
Tools (or Alt-T) -- the following tools are in middle of
- Click on Notepad (Alt-(T-N)) -- is a
text-editing program in PAF
- Relationship
calculator (Alt-(T-R)) -- select any two
people from database and calculate common ancestor and relationships
between them
- May be many
relationships between the two -- it only shows the
first 100 relationships
- Shows common ancestors
between them and people in the lines
back to common ancestors
- Same generations of
descendants down from common ancestor are
"1st, 2nd, etc., Cousins" -- if people are not in same generation of
descendants down they are "Once, Twice, etc., Removed"
- Date calculator (Alt-(T-D)) -- fill in any two of "Beginning
Date", "Ending Date", or "Elapsed Time", then click Calculate and
program computes the other
- Starts
from 1752 when calendar was changed and will go for next
1000 years
- Soundex calculator
(Alt-(T-X)) -- generates the Soundex code for
any name you type in
- FamilySearch Internet
Service (Alt-(F-S)) -- clicking on it takes
you to FSI, but you have to enter the names to search for
- Easy way of searching IIGI is highlight name in PAF, press
Alt-(S-F), in that order -- this takes you to IIGI and enters
highlighted name in All Resources -- then download the GEDCOM of the
ordinance data and import it into your database
- Preview a narrative book report from your PAF
- Set up a simple custom report and
preview it on screen.
- Create a web page of your
PAF database and look at it on screen with Internet Explorer or
Return to Don's
Listings page or to the home page of Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group .