

Salt Lake City  Oct 13th /73 [Salt Lake City, Utah] [Monday 13 Oct 1873]

My dear Elisabeth [Elizabeth Rebecca Ashby Snow]   I have had nothing from your hand since I left England though Erastus W. [Erastus White Snow] wrote that he had one for me which arrived there after I sailed.   From others letters I have continued to hear of your health and that of your children.

I regret to learn through Josephine [Josephine Snow] that both you [Elizabeth] and little Herbert [Herbert Hammond Snow] were poorly.   I Pray for you and hope that it is not lasting but that ere this you are both feeling better.

We had expected to have started home today (Monday) [13 Oct 1873] but Erastus W. [Erastus White Snow] has not yet arrived and we have put off starting now untill [until] Thursday [16 Oct 1873] hoping he will arrive so as to attend to ordinances with his mother for her dead, on Wednesday [15 Oct 1873].   We have heard nothing from him since he left New York [New York City, New York] to go to Massachusetts   Probably he has stoped [stopped] at my sister Lydias [Lydia Mason Snow Lewis] and Bro. Charles [Charles Van Renselaer Snow] in Missouri [?], or else would have been here before now.  I have paid fifty Dollars [$50] to Mrs. Clay for Doctoring Josephine’s [Josephine Snow] Eyes and promised fifty [$50] more when they are well if she cures them.

They are certainly much improved and she will go home with me taking some eye medicine with her.   She is fat and large and looks fine and healthy.   has taken no medicine internally.

I have Just returned from Provo [Utah] whether I went with the Presidency [First Presidency] and others to hold a two day meeting and had invitations to tarry over tomorrow to attend a Dedication Party at their New Court House but I choose to return and prepare for going home for my time is up and now drags heavily on my hands.   I long to get home.   Your sister Harriet started south with Bryant Nowland about two weeks ago [Monday 29 Sep 1873] to visit Hodie at Severe bridge [Sevier Bridge] and the folks at Ceder Springs [Cedar Springs, Utah].   John Ashby is now in Town   he met Harriet on his way up.   Marriah is keeping her house.  Susan [?] and all the family are well.  Their Estate still unsettled.  Bryant expects to start for the Islands [Hawaiian Islands ?] in about a week.   He feels well about it and so does his mother.     Little Martha is about marrying a young man who seems to be nearly a stranger to all of the family, but she like her mother has a mind of her own and follows it.   I hope she will not miss her aim.   We had an excellent conference, every speech seemed inspired for good.   St. Georges [St. George, Utah] folks about all started back home.  Sisters Caufield and Woodward arrived from the East last Thursday [9 Oct 1873].  Expect Sister Crosby with Erastus W. [Erastus White Snow]   Tell Franklin [Franklin Richards Snow] to send back Snells mules first opportunity.     Also that the thimble is coming with J. E. Johnson.   With love to all   prayers for your health and happiness   I am effectionatly [affectionately] your Erastus Snow.