

Salt Lake City Feb 2nd 1886 [Salt Lake City, Utah Tuesday 2 Feb 1886]

Dear Elisabeth [Elizabeth Rebecca Ashby Snow, b. 1831] your very welcome letter of 21 st ult [ultimate – Thursday 21 Jan 1886] came duly to hand, as also one from Eddie [Edward Hunter Snow, b. 1865] & E. B. [Erastus Beman Snow, b. 1853] about the same, but as I had then but just written you, I answered theirs first; and have allowed other correspondence and much other business to crowd off my reply to yours untill [until] now and mainly too because I have been in hopes of getting started home and wanted to give you something deffinate [definite] and while I feel I am nearer to that end, yet am I still unable to give you anything quite reliable.   Sister Rachel [Rachel Ridgway Ivins Smith Grant] has arranged for Tony [Anthony Woodward Ivins, b. 1852] to send team after her and another friend or Two  and possibly when he is notified to start up I may be set at liberty.   This however should remain your secret.   Nor is it absolutely certain that I may not be sent back from here to Chihuahua [Chihuahua, Mexico] and the city of Mexico [Mexico City, Mexico] soon (which I would like to postpone a few weeks) but if so, will try to return and meet you either in Dixy [Dixie – St. George, Utah] ]or at Hackberry later in the Spring and carry out the Programme [program] previously mentioned if God will.   I feel however I am coming home soon.   I should be so delighted to be permitted to Work with you and Bro Benjamin [Franklin Benjamin Woolley, b. 1834] a while in the Temple and with your children.    You did not explain, but left me to infer that a recommend for yourself and some of your children to work in the Temple had already been sent up for Prest Taylors [President John Taylor] endorsement.   I hope Georgianna’s[Georgiana Snow, b. 1862] name is among the rest and also Arthurs [Arthur Eugene Snow, b. 1870], for I have been feeling that I would like him to have his endowments, while we have peace and he is at home, so that he may be armed for whatever he may be called to do.   Please ask (if not already done) Bishop Cannon to send up a recommend for him and also one for Aunt Mary Gates [Mary Minerva Snow Gates, b. 1813], so that she too may be ready for Temple work, as also Mahonri [Mahonri Moriancumr Snow, b. 1847] and such of his Brothers as he may wish to help him carry on the work, I may inaugurate for the Snow family, as Bro Zera [Zerubbabel Snow, b. 1806] moves [?] in my favor,   Please send for him and call his attention to this fact.   I do not expect if I come home to be able to stay longer than first week in March [Monday – Saturday 1-6 Mar 1886].   I regret that steps had not been sooner taken to repair or replace the spouts for conveying water into your cistern.  It must be a great labor for somebody to bring water for that big House and then the Bath Tubs.   How can you get along without warm water for Bathing?   I have ordered 2 inch piping made here of heavy galvanized sheet iron and to be ready for shipping tonight or tomorrow.   I have written E. B.  [Erastus Beman Snow, b. 1853] about putting it down as soon as it arrives as also about the forces [?] and other work on your house.   I find by his letter that my Bills at Woolley Lund & Judds and at St. George C.M.I. [St. George Cooperative Mercantile Institution] in the agregate [aggregate], reach nearly eight hundred Dollars [$800] being largely old accounts not settled last fall and new accounts for material and paying workmen etc.   I hope you & children may be able to make some turns to help towards paying them.   Have ordered a few hundred [few 100 of] my capitol stock turned on it.   Am in debt here.   Affectionately yours with love to Libbie [Elizabeth Ashby Snow Ivins, b. 1854] , Josephine [Josephine Snow, b. 1859], Georgianna [Georgiana Snow, b. 1862] and Martie [Martha Ellen Snow, b. 1865] & all the Boys   E. S. [Erastus Snow, b. 1818]