

Salt Lake City  July 11/79 [Salt Lake City, Utah Friday 11 Jul 1879]

Dear Elisabeth [Elizabeth Rebecca Ashby Snow] -  You will see from the within bill that I paid 14 88 [$14.88] Ballance [balance] due on the goods I bought in April and $37.87 for your Hall carpet & Borders; (the itemized bill of which is herewith sent)   I have also paid David James the full ballance [balance] due for Piping & fixtures $45.85 making a total of $98.20 which as you will perceive is more than the amount you gave me on leaving you, without paying Pixton or getting the things you wished me to send home.   I found James Bill more than I expected & the Hall Carpet Dearer than you thought and the $19.85 Balance of the former bill of goods Bot of Z.C. M. I in April more left for me to pay here instead of charging to St George C. U D. [Cash Upon Delivery] as I directed   all of which has increaded [?] my indebtedness here   But I shall find means of getting and sending the Sugar Oil and other things when my team starts home.   I expect the articles on James Bill which I sent to E. W. [Erastus White Snow] as well as your Hall Carpet will be there before this reaches you or soon after and hope Phillip will quickly fit everything for your hot as well as cold water and I wish you to write how it works and how you get along with your family & house & all above things at home.   When I am away I feel all the time anxious about you and wonder why you don't write more.   Has Bro Weaver yet begun to use all the lots that additional lot of water transferred from the Jones lot?   I am as every yours effectionately [affectionately] Erastus Snow

[Above written upside down on Statement shown below]

Salt Lake City, Utah July 8th 1879 [Tuesday 8 Jul 1879]

M Erastus Snow

In Account with

Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution [ZCMI]

Bills must be Settled on the First of every Month or 1 1/2 per cent Interest will be charged.

Apr 28            To Mau [?]                 14.68  [$14.68] Ballance [balance] on the bill of dry goods and                                                                                                     groceries

" [Apr] 29       To Bill Mau [?]               .20 [ .20]

June 11            To Mau (Hall Carpet              37.47  [$37.47]                      see bills

                                                           52.35   [$52.35]