

Salt Lake    28th Jan/69 [Salt Lake City, Utah Thursday 28 Jan 1869]

My Dear Elisabeth

I was very glad to receive per last mail you kind letter of the 14 th inst [instant – 14 Jan 1869], though regretted to learn of your headache and Rheumatism still lingering about you.  Have you made the flannel waistcoat I reccommended [recommended].  I fear you are working to hard.  Besides I am afraid the air of that Basement is too confind [confined] and damp for you.  Hope soon to see you gain an exaltation into a higher sphere. By the way is the [?] house yet being plastered? [?]d the children have started [?] hope they will have a [? ] a good teacher and [?  ]ell - I’ll try to not [?] Dall. [?] Tues [?] more

I appreciate the sympathy and anxiety you express for my wellfare [welfare] and will try to care for myself that my days may be lengthened out, both for your sake and mine as well as others.  I have a cold troubling me somewhat and it is effecting [affecting] my back and kidnies [kidneys] for a few days past.  I am however very busy at my Legislative duties which confines me closely.  I have a very good and convenient boarding Hall at Bro. Mussen.  I have attended theatre [theater] and two Parties.  But d[?] to have time to attend [?] more this winter f[?] now begins to press[?] members of the c[?] are engaged on th[?]

Our winter is cold, but little snow.  No sleighing.  I ran round to Martha’s and Harriets tonight to let them know I had heard from you and to learn how they were and found Martha quite poorly having Just Miscarried about 2 ½ months gone.  Bryant [has] gone to the Island [Antelope Island ?].  Harriet is also very tender this winter and Susan not so as to go out and feels as though she must get away from her home.  Louisa and all the young folks well and mostly attending school. Louisa as usual.  I hope you will find time to write often God bless you and your children  I ever remember you in my Prayers. Give my respects to sister Sarah Snow & her daughter Bro. Lorenzo [Snow] is well and at his daily post with me.  He boards at Bro. Demfords.  I am tired and must close and deposit my letters in the Post and go home to bed for I feel nervous and overworked.  So good night From your ever true and effectionate [affectionate] husband

Erastus Snow