

Salt Lake City   21st/69 [month?]

My Beloved Elisabeth [Elizabeth]

Tis [It is] nine oclock [9 o'clock] P.M. and the Southern mail leaves tomorrow morning.  I have been today to Jane Blockhursts Anual [Annual] party for the Twelve and Presidency.  There were at Table the first Presidency and Elders [John] Taylor, [Wilford] Woodruff, [Charles C.] Rich, [George Q. Cannon] Canon, B.  [Brigham] Young Jr and myself [Erastus Snow] of the Twelve with parts of families.  Bro. [Charles C.] Rich and myself [Erastus Snow] being the only ones who took no Ladies.

Bro. Noble and Loretta were there to assist in the entertainment.  This evening I called on Susan, Martha & Harriet, found them all with the families in their usual health.  Susan cooking for Briant [Bryant] to start to the Island [Antelope Island ?] tomorrow, Suse [Susie] little Briant [Bryant] and Louisa Jane to an evening school at the Council House.  Martha sewing at her round table and Ellen and the little girls, studying or drawing pictures, Jeddy has a cold and a little croupy.  Harriet sewing in her long room with children round her about in the same attitude    Benjamin was down on Saturday last [date ?], says Anna has a babe about two weeks old, doing finely  I have neither seen Mary nor Billy.  The latter still lives with Nancy and the former live two Blocks down Main Street below their old place, where George has lately purchased a house & lot.  So much for your side of the house.  Now for mine, I have Barely called at Bro. Zera’s [Zerubbabel Snow] found them comfortable in their new house, built on the site of the old one.  Three pleasant rooms below and three above.

Bro. William [Snow] and Sally are staying at Molvina’s, all well there.  My sisters Mary and Melissa I have not seen, the latter lives upon a farm in Toele [Tooele] Valley.

As for myself I am busy as usual at my public duties.  My health quite good, though my lungs still sensitive, but my systems better than before I left home.  I am boarding with Elder O. [Orson] Hyde at A. M. Mussers where I have very comfortable quarters.

I was complimented with an invitation to the Bishops Party at 13 [13th] Ward Assembly rooms on Monday night.  Had a pleasant Past time  I have not yet attended Theatre [theater] though the institution is run every night in the week except Sundays.  Amusements have much less charms for me, when none of those I love can participate with me.  I have about finished the numerous items of business which I had to do in this city and begin now to have a little more leasure [leisure], and my mind wanders back to my home, to the Dear ones I have left behind.  How is my Beloved Elisabeth [Elizabeth] and her darling little ones tonight?  How I should like to drop in upon you tonight.  I hope you and the girls will write often.  I send a little paper & 25 cts [cents] to by [buy] some stamps, envelopes,  Are the children in School or do you teach them at home, I hope both.  If any still lack shoes, go and buy at once at Bentleys, Millers, Pymes or Birches.  If Books, get them at Gergons or write to me & I will mail them.  If any of you need notions let me know what I shall get for you.   Do you get your daily wants supplied?  Hoping to hear from you soon and something good and cheering.  I remain effectionatley [affectionately] your husband and father.     Erastus Snow