

Great Salt Lake City [Great Salt Lake City, Utah]   Sept 25th 1867 [Wednesday 25 Sep 1867]

My Beloved Elisabeth Your welcome letter of the 15th inst [instant – 15 Sep 1867] arrived by last evenings [Tuesday 24 Sep 1867] mail and was in waiting for me today, when we returned from a visit at Nobles, Grants and Barlows, where all were well and of course joined me in congratulations and rejoicing over your boy whose advent had been Heralded by Telegraph 15 minutes after his Debut.

The post script to your letter was quite a relief to my feelings for I had feard [feared] you might not be able to get a girl soon enough.  I hope she will prove efficient help and that you and your little Treasure are by this time quite comfortable and happy.  Blessed be the Lord and happy are they who keep his commandments.  Praise his Holy name for he has shown mercy unto his handmaid and pourd [poured] healing Balm into her wounded hart [heart].  Let this son be consecrated unto the Lord and his service forever.  Pray how does little Martha Ellen act?  Cunning but Jealous of course and the larger girls all dancing for Joy.  God Bless them all and speedily raise you up to vigor and health again. But be carefull [careful] not to make haste beyond the strength He gives you.

I took your letter up to Bryants this evening but found them all in bed and left the letter with Martha.  They had previously all heard the Joyfull [joyful] tidings of your success that is except Billy,  Emma and Susan who with her little ones are on the Island [Antelope Island ?].  Susan is keeping house with the big boys.  Harriet lives in the back part of the new House using the Large front room for drying fruit.  She appears in an Interesting condition and generally healthy, though recently a little afflicted with neuralgia in the head.  Benjamin is soon going to the Island [Antelope Island ?] so as to let Billy and Susan come over.  He and Emma expect to winter at Black Rock.  Richard started last week with his family to take Ansel Harmons place at Cedar Springs.  Nathaniel and John went along to bring back some stores.  Your Brother Benjamin [Ashby] and family get along about as usual as do also the rest of our friends hereabouts.  George talks of leaving Mary with you while he goes to California next winter.  As for Louisa she used a sharp Butcher Knife so dexteriously [dexterously] the other day that while attempting to cut some meat she cut her cheek and severd [severed] the cartilage of her nose into her left nostril.  She bled considerable but soon fainted.  Doctor Anderson sewed up the wound and she is about her work again with prospect of only a slight scar.  We start to Toele [Tooele] Tomorrow, so Adieu, Erastus [Snow]