

Philadelphia Pa   April 30th 1861 [Tuesday]

My dear Elisabeth Your favour [favor] of the 24th March [24 Mar 1861] was recived [received] one week ago today.  It was very welcome as every word is from my own mountain home and especially from my own dear family.   I thank you and each of my family for their frequent letters.  I believe I have received most if not all except Artimesias [Artimesia Beman (Snow) 1819-1882] first.  I have also answered them all or nearly so.  and if I do miss any I trust I will be excused when it is remembered that I am writing again to several of you besides many correspence [correspondences] in the States and elsewhere  Bro. F. Phister is in New York awaiting the arrival of the Danish emigrants to Accompany them home.  He is in good health and spirits and wished to be remembered to my family as did also Bro. O. N. Lilyenquist [Lillenquist] from whom I received a recent letter dated March 6th  [6 Mar 1861]  He writes in excellent spirits reports the Danish mission exceedingly prosperous and about 600 emigrants coming over this season.  We learn also through brother Cannons letters that two ships are on their way from Liverpool containing in the agregate [aggregate] about 1000 souls and others to follow  We expect there will be five or six hundred going from various parts of these states also notwithstanding their general poverty and hard times.  Many an apostate who has run away from Utah in days past longs to get back but cant [can't] do it.  Others will probabably [probably] do it by the skin of their teeth.  Today we received a letter from a man, stranger to us, in Connecticut confessing his folly in leaving Utah in 1856.  Wishes now to renew his covenant in baptism and to get back there as soon as possible.  I have visited and endevoured [endeavored] to revive and comfort my herd through divers [diverse] portions of the country both East and west

The Word and prospect of increasing troubles and depression of business is stirring them up to repentance.

My health is quite good of late though I have taken a little cold and feel a little indebted thereby today.  I find it necessary to exercise much care and prudence or I am quite sensitive to the changing weather and colds.  I feel much better when I am traveling in country places and exercising in the open air.  I perceve [perceive] a change for the worse when I stop a while in these large cities.  We find a very good spirit among the Saints in Philadelphia and there have been more baptised [baptized] here than elsewhere in the East.  We have several to be baptised [baptized] this evening.

It is and has been of late deemed wisdom to dispense with public meetings in New York, Boston and many other places on account of the great War feeling and the consequent lawless mobocratic spirit which seized upon the people.  We have however kept up meetings here as usual and without molestation  I expect to return to New York in a few days.  When I wrote to Julia last week it was my expectation to have gone before now.  I send you today the “Philadelphia Enquirer” containing the latest War news.  No fighting since I wrote to Julia and Perhaps they will not be ready to pitch in for some time to come.  Armies are however being consentrated [concentrated] from all parts of the country both North and South.  I am thankfull [thankful] to be instrumental in leading [to] harvest souls to obey the Truth and flee the wrath to come.  I feel blesst [blessed] in my labours [labors] and realize that our mission is accomplishing good, but shall be quite as thankfull [thankful] as you can be for the privaledge [privilege] (when it is filled) of setting down and having that good chat with you and enjoying a rich harvest of affection with you and all the loved ones at home.  Which we can all the better appreciate after being so long deprived of that priveledge [privilege].  Tell Elisabeth if I failed to send her a primer I will surely remember to send her something better

From you ever true and effectionate [affectionate] companion     Erastus Snow

Kiss Elizabeth, Florence and Chubb [chubby ?] Josephine for me and I will pay you four fold back again when I come.  Hura [hurrah] for Nob [?] and Mary - each of them a boy !  Surely you and Martha must try your hand once more.  My love to all the Ashby Tribe  They are good breeding stock If they are sinslic [?]   wish we had more of them.  E.S.