

12 Miles West of Big Blue River June 3rd 1856 [3 Jun 1856]

My Dear and effectionate [affectionate] family.

As we are not able to reach the Missouri before the mail leaves I embrace a few moments this evening to write a few lines which I shall mail at the Station on Big Blue which we shall pass tomorrow noon. I wrote you by last mail from Larimee [Laramie] by which you will have learned of our slow Progress up to that time. We have been favored with excellent weather and good roads & grass so that we have made good progress since we left Larimie [Laramie] and have averaged from 30 to 35 miles a day.

We are now 130 miles from Mormon Grove which we expect to reach next Saturday the 7th Proxima.

June 4th 1 o'clock P.M. [4 Jun 1856 1:00 PM] A call to supper put an end to my writing last night so Now I resume the subject. We have crossed the Blue and find here the first settlement in Kansas Teritory [Territory] and expect to find scattering settlements from here on to the Missouri. The Proslavery [Pro-Slavery] War goes finely on in this Teritory [Territory]. The two parties -- Slavery & Anti-Slavery are in the field. numbering tis [it is] said some 700 to 800 armed men on each side and all sorts of rumors are afloat as to the result. The Slavery Party have been trying to arest [arrest] the leaders of the other party for charge of Treason. The sheriff has Killed in the attempt, and subsequently the Hotel and other buildings at Larwrence [Lawrence] which is Head Quarters of Abolitionism were burned by the Slavery men and some four or five men Killed. which has roused the country to arms. I feel about the matter much as did the women when her husband fought the Bear she said it was the first fight she ever saw when she did not care which whipped.

One week last Sunday we met on the South Fork of the Platt [Platte] the first California Emigrants and from that time till we reach Little Blue we met some 8 or 10 trains of a day and it is thought not less that 25000 head of cattle on the way to Callifornia. [California] Bro. Smith and others who we met on the way informed us that the Mormon Emigration are fiting [fitting] out at Iowa City and will cross at Council Bluffs and we shall therefore miss them.

About 200 Chienne" [Cheyenne] Indians have recently been stationed on Little Blue robbing Emigrants and we continue to meet companies who said they had been robbed of flour, sugar, coffee etc. and cooking Utentials [utensils] and clothing etc. But when we neared the spot we were well prepared with our fire locks in hand & about 20 men mounted and they choose [chose] to give us the road and mind their own business.

I presume you will have learned before this time that the European War is at an end. Peace was concluded at Paris and signed on the 30 March by the contending Powers and sanctioned also by Austria and Prusia [Prussia]. Soon after the conclusion of Peace and [sic] the Empress of France gave birth to a son The heir to the throne and the old man was so well pleased that he settled a Dowery [dowry] on all the children born on that day in the Empire. By the way that reminds me that I dreamed night before last of seeing you Elisabeth seting [setting] in a Rocking chair with a most beautifull [beautiful] little boy in your arms which I Kissed before I did you and you told me you and the boy were doing well. I hope it is even so.

Please say to Elder J. C. Little that I shall not be able re [reach ?] Magram in time to send back word about the suit I left for him to attend too. But I wish him to proceed and get Judgement [judgment] and secure property enough to satisfy the claim with costs & write to me about it. But not to sell or sacrifice property before the arrival of next mail so as to [give ?] them time to settle it here if they will. My health is pretty good except a foul stomach producing nausea and disturbed sleep. Our company are all about as usual and our trip agreeable. Your effectionately [affectionately] E. Snow [Elder Erastus Snow 1818-1888]