


Mexico. Esquina de las Calles de Jesus

Telefono No 97

Room No 39

Mexico de July 6 de 1885 [Mexico City, Mexico [Monday 6 Jul 1885]

Sr. Dear Eddie [Edward Hunter Snow, b. 1865]

Yesterday the 4th day after our arrival here [Wednesday 1 Jul 1885] your favour [favor – letter] of the 23rd ult [ultimate – Tuesday 23 Jun 1885] reached me, being first news from home. Franklin R. [Franklin Richards Snow, b. 1854] also got one from Lucy [Lucy Simmons Snow, b. 1855] and Bro. B. Young [Brigham Young Jr.] one today from his folks. We are all well and our interviews with Mexican gentlemen and government officials have been very cordial and pleasant and affairs are progressing favourably [favorably] toward examining and securing lands in the Northern parts of the Republic [later the Mormon Colonies in Chihuahua, Mexico]. This is a quaint old Town of about 300,000 people chiefly Indians and mixed races, but with a fair springling [sprinkling] of foreigners of American and European States. But the governing classes are either Spanish or mixed with occasionally a pure Indian. The city of Mexico [Mexico City, Mexico] and its surroundings in this valley has many places of Historical interest and Beautiful gardens and luxuriant fields. The climate is mild and with gentle showers every day or two at this season, is pleasant and healthy with the exceptions of those quarters of the city which are poorly drained and thickly populated by filthy natives. Bro. H. Pratt [Brother Helaman Pratt] has a tenemant [tenement] rented for his family and for his Missionary Headquarters where Franklin R. [Franklin Richards Snow, b. 1854]

lives and Elders J. Stewart, H. Comings, and W.W. Cluff Jun [Jr.] are also temporarily stoping [stopping] there. Bro. B. Young [Brigham Young Jr.] also lodges there while Elder John W. Taylor and myself occupy our rooms at this Hotel and get our principle meals at Bro Pratts [Brother Helaman Pratt]. We are all in good health. We expect to visit several neighboring States and noted Towns in this region during the next three weeks while Elders Lyman [Frances M. Lyman], McDonald [A. F. McDonald], and other Brethren are examining Public Lands in the Northern portion of the Republic along the Base of Sierra Madres [Sierra Madre Mountains] after which we expect to meet them with Senor J. Gomez Del Campos, a government agent for the Sale and Colonization of government lands in that region with a view of determining whether to purchase and colonize them by our people.

In relation to your occupying Artimesia’s [Artimesia Beman Snow, b. 1819] former House and Lot and fixing it up etc It is satisfactory to me and as I told you before leaving home. I am not quite prepared to say that you shall receive a permanent title thereto But if Missia [Artimesia Snow Woolley Seegmiller, b. 1849] or George Albert [George Albert Snow, b. 1863] do not conclude soon that they prefer to get it for themselves, I shall not hesitate to let you have a deed of it. But as I told you if they want it on account of its having been so long occupied by their mother [Artimesia Beman Snow, b. 1819] I should feel it my duty to give them the prefference [preference], but in that event I will satisfy you with another place. As I have not had any conversation with either of them on the subject since you spoke for it, I desire to keep it an open question until [until] after my return.

I think it well for you to put some hay for a cow in that Barn during the summer or fall [1885] as you will need one and we must try to get two or three down from Upper Ranch during the fall—I presume the Hot weather will be driving you or some of the family out into the mountains and possibly Elisabeth [Elizabeth Rebecca Ashby Snow, b. 1831]

and some of her family will want to get out in which case you must consult as to how and when to go. The teams, hack, buggy, and waggon [wagon] will be at your disposal. With love to [your] mother [Julia Josephine Spencer Snow, b. 1837] and children and friends, Yours etc. Erastus Snow